With decades of experience teaching and training kids of all ages, there is nothing better than seeing them learn and grow firsthand. 

Our tailored kids classes will not only get your children fit and learn how to look after themselves, it will equip them with the personal and life skills they develop and carry for life. Because martial arts is so much more than just kicking and punching, and getting the next colourful belt.

It’s about developing confidence, discipline, character, focus and respect. We teach values and skills that will last a life time and help your kids in all areas of their life. With every class we teach, your kids are growing in mind, body and character

That’s because martial arts provides instant positive feedback. Through learning to focus on the core moves, they develop discipline and respect. They can instantly see and feel a difference, making them destined to build confidence, self-awareness and self-respect. And of course it’s a ton of FUN!

That’s why we love teaching martial arts to kids in this community, and why we know your kids are going to LOVE training.

Please have a look through our website to find out exactly how your kids can benefit from our fun martial arts classes. If you need more information or have questions, feel free to contact us.

Thank You!

Kids Martial Art at Loong Fu Martial Arts


Parenting and bringing up children of all ages is really challenging to say the least. We want the best for our children.We want them  happy, health and succeed in everything they do. Learning martial arts will equip them with skills to face and overcome challenges of all sorts.
Children are like sponges. With the right guidance and help they can learn absorb things quickly and easily. With every martial arts class they will learn, grow and better themselves in mindbody and character.  In fact, parents can sometimes see a difference in their kids after just one class. Each additional class they attend increases their knowledge and growth. Our classes will empower them with many positive skills and provide the opportunity to thrive.

Five Stars - Loong Fu Martial Arts

My kids absolutely love it. They litterally can not wait for the next class  and always practising at home. The classes had such a positive impact on them that as soon as my youngest is at the right age she will be joining her brother and sister. Thank you.

Jess (Emily & Archie’s mum)
London / England

Five Stars - Loong Fu Martial Arts

Coming to this school was the best decision I ever made, when I’m on the verge of giving up and wondering why I didn’t pick competitive eating over Kung Fu, I say to myself who would I be without it. This school has built me up to be the person I am today, it has given me friends, a new family, a second home and in a way a new sense of purpose. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world

SADE –  London / England

Five Stars - Loong Fu Martial Arts

The values of patience, perseverance, dicipline and a humble approach to hard work are difficult to instil in such a young person. However, Loong Fu Martial Arts shows it to be achievable with the right guidance, the latter found in abundance among the staff and  expert guidance of Sifu Leon Dogan, whom Loong Fu Martial Arts school is extremely lucky to have. A true personification of all the values described above, he portrays Hung Kuen to not only be a kung fu style but, a way of life. 

London / England

Five Stars - Loong Fu Martial Arts

I couldn’t consider myself more lucky to have walked into this kung fu school and if your looking for a place to learn authentic kung fu I couldn’t recommended it more. 

London / England

Loong Fu - Kids Martial Arts