All classes are welcoming, safe, friendly and suitable for all.
When you turn up for your first class, please bring a bottle of water to keep yourself hydrated through the class. And since you will be moving, please wear comfortable, loose clothing and suitable footwear.
The first trial class is free and must be booked in advance. Everybody is welcome to try the class, no spectators.
The classes are beginner friendly. So you dont need to know anything to start your first class. All students receive individual attention and help from our head instructor and the senior students to make sure you are getting the most out of your training and learning correctly.
Training will get your whole body moving, so expect to sweat and get a great workout. The clases always start with a gentle warm up and stretching, moving on to learning the basics and fundamental skill sets of kung fu. The structured classes will help you progress and improve quickly, getting you stronger and more confident with every session.