and by Loong Fu This is a documentary aired on Chinese TV by CCTV.The documentary is about Grandmaster Lam Chun Sing and Hung Gar Kung Fu. The video...
CCTV Hung Kuen Documentary 功夫洪拳
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and by Loong Fu This is a documentary aired on Chinese TV by CCTV.The documentary is about Grandmaster Lam Chun Sing and Hung Gar Kung Fu. The video...
by Loong Fu This is a short documentary film on Hung Kuen Grandmaster Lam Chun Sing - 佛山林氏洪拳. Participating work for the 3rd Cannes International...
by Loong Fu A few years back, Loong Fu Kung Fu Team was invited to do Kung Fu demos at London China Town for the Chinese New Year celebrations....