and by Loong Fu This is a documentary aired on Chinese TV by CCTV.The documentary is about Grandmaster Lam Chun Sing and Hung Gar Kung Fu. The video...
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Short Film Featuring Grandmaster Lam Chun Sing – 佛山林氏洪拳
by Loong Fu This is a short documentary film on Hung Kuen Grandmaster Lam Chun Sing - 佛山林氏洪拳. Participating work for the 3rd Cannes International...
Me, Myself and Loong Fu
by Sade Opara-faparusi I started at Loong Fu Martial Arts School about 8 years ago, at that time I was a 6 year old child obviously lacking any...
Kung Fu Trip 2018
Another great adventure and a trip to Hong Kong and China. In this year's (2018) Kung Fu Trip , Loong Fu Martial Arts team had a blast, travelling...
Chung Wai Hung – A Tribute
by Leon Dogan Chung Wai Hung, my dearest big brother and one of Grandmaster Lam Cho’s most loyal students unexpectedly passed away on Thursday the...
Kung Fu Life
by Daniela Rendon Montoya Joining Loong Fu Martial arts 9 years ago was an impromptu decision. For an exceedingly active 10 year old, it was just...